The following functions are available for use in BigComm Pro and MegaLog Viewer:
Function | Definition | Usage |
Smoothing | Smooths a field by averaging over the smoothingFactor number of records. | smoothBasic( field, smoothingFactor) |
sine | Standard Sine of a value. | sin(val) |
cosine | Standard Cosine of a value. | cos(val) |
arcsine | Standard arcsine of a value. | asin(val) |
arccosine | Standard arccosine of a value. | acos(val) |
tangent | Standard Tangent of a value. | tan(val) |
arc tangent | Standard Arc Tangent of a value. | atan(val) |
square root | Standard Square Root, same as pow(val, 0.5) of a value. | sqrt(val) |
absolute | Changes any negative values to the same magnitude in the positive direction. | abs(val) |
log | Natural log of a value. | log(val) |
log base 10 | Base 10 log of a value of a value. | log10(val) |
recipricol | The recipricol of a value, or 1/val | recip(val) |
exponent | Exponent of a value. | pow(val, exponent) |
round | Rounds the value of a value to the nearest integer value. | round(val) |
floor | Returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) integer value that is greater than or equal to the argument. | floor(val) |
ceiling | Returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity) integer value that is greater than or equal to the argument. | ceil(val) |
exponent | Returns Euler's number e raised to the power of a double value. | exp(val) |
isNaN | Checks the output of an expression to result in a invalid number | isNaN(val) |
smoothFiltered | Smooth a field using a matrix filter for less lag | smoothFiltered(val) |
accelHp | Calculates HP based on Acceleration rate. | accelHp( velocity (MPH), deltaVelocity(MPH), deltaTime(s), weight(lb) ) |
Aero Drag | Calculates the Aerodynamic Drag | aerodynamicDragHp( velocity (m/s), airDensity (kg/m^-3), dragCoefficent, frontalArea (m^2) ) |
Rolling Drag | Calculates estimated rolling resistence | rollingDragHp( speed (MPH), tirePressure (psi), weight (lbs) ) |
Last Value* | Returns the last record value for the specified field or expression | lastValue(anyField) |
Historical Value | Returns the value for the specified field or expression from n records back | historicalValue(anyField, n) |
Max Value | Returns the maximum value for the specified field or expression | maxValue(anyField) |
Min Value | Returns the minimum value for the specified field or expression | minValue(anyField) |