Now supporting Gen4 Tune Editing and Auto Tune!


Power, performance, optimal efficiency; the objectives of almost any tuner, the key to achieving these objectives is in the data produced by your engine. To achieve these objectives you must know what your engine is asking for or it will never run its best.


Captured Data logs are where a your BigStuff3 is telling you what it needs. But capturing data is only the first step; you then need simple ways to understand what that data means, what your engine is asking for. Being able to easily select, navigate and compare data fields is critical, but there is more. You want to see the whole story, not just at log traces 1 by 1 in a limited way. To get the full picture you need to see how different fields are related and affect one another, how it all ties together. You need the right tools to work with your data. Suddenly that data becomes so much easier to see and understand, you can sort through vast amounts of data in simple comprehensible views, then act on it. Whether you are a Professional Tuner or a Weekend Hobbyist, well designed software becomes your most valuable tool and can truly make data simple to work with. EFI Analytics MegaLogViewer provides tuners the power to view and analyze data in ways not available with other tuning software. If you have used any other software to view datalogs, once you try MegaLogViewer and see how much simpler it make navigating, and how much nicer it works.

 MLV graph thumb         BC MLV histograms Thumb

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Discover your ideal tune with MegaLogViewer BigStuff3 Edition

Don't blindly spend money on parts, see what your engine is asking for and make the parts you have meet their potential! With MegaLogViewer for BigStuff3 you will visualize your data in a way you never could before to quickly identify problems or opportunities. Load both the data log and tune settings, viewing together. Work with long log files and substantial data, not just 30 second clips, easily navigate through the data, apply built in analytics, custom formulas and simplified views.

  • Graphs Viewing - View and graph BigStuff3 Log files hundreds of thousands of records or hours long.
  • VE Analyze Powered Auto Tune - Unparalleled Analyisis of your log files and tune correct your fuel table for you.
  • Tune Editing - View and Edit your Fuel, Spark and AFR tables from a big or bigTune files.

    Scatter Plots - to quickly identify correlation and problem areas.

  • Histograms & table Generators - Generate a histogram from the data in your log using any X, Y and Z axis you choose. See what AFR the engine is running at in each cell.
  • Optional and Custom Fields.


  • Navigate quickly through Data Log files hundreds of thousands of records long.
  • 3 Dimension Scatter Plots to identify correlation.
  • Histograms - Table Generators.
  • Standard Log Viewer.
  • Zoom in and out.
  • View any 16 grouped Replay Signals.
  • Compare mode - Overlay second file values
  • Play back of log files.
  • Create your own Calculated Fields - RPM/Sec, Vacuum, Boost, PW-1. See Advanced Math.
  • Play back of log files.
  • Custom and option fields - create any new field based on other fields
  • Advanced custom data filters.
  • Customizable colors, gauges and UI features.